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Shuswap Climate Perspectives

Bruce Murdoch of K-Country Homes provided an informative webinar on Zero Carbon Homes and Retrofits to help home owners and buyers understand the benefits of a high performance home.
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Watch Seth Klein's Salmon Arm presentation Sept 2023 - author of The Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency .
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See our webinar with Dr. Kathryn Harrison talking about climate policy, activism and engaging others in the fight on global warming.
Listen to our conversation with Eli Pivnick about the benefits of regenerative agriculture in reducing  climate impacts.
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Our interview with David Askew on the impact of climate change on sustainability, food supply and grocery businesses.
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Fundamentals of Climate Change
by Dr. Tom Pypker TRU professor.
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Idling Gets You Nowhere! by Anne Morris
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BC Tomorrow “The Future is in Your Hands - See What You Can Do”
by Dave Ramsay
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Why the Earth Needs Children to Jump in Puddles 
by Ceren Caner
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War of the Viruses 
by Bernd Hermanski
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More Perspectives...

Future link to archived perspectives.

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